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  2. Base64 Encoder/Decoder

Base64 Encoder/Decoder

Encode or decode text to/from Base64 format.

Encode text to/from Base64 format.

Simply enter your data then push the decode button.

Enter text to encode:


Instructions for Base64 Encoder/Decoder Tool.

  • Enter Your Text

    In the input area, enter the text you want to encode or decode using Base64. You can type or paste your text here.

  • Select Operation

    Choose whether you want to 'Encode' or 'Decode' the text using the buttons provided below the input area.

  • Encode Text

    If you selected 'Encode,' click the 'Encode' button. The tool will convert your text into Base64 format.

  • Decode Base64

    If you selected 'Decode,' click the 'Decode' button. The tool will decode the Base64 string and display the plain text.

  • Result

    The result will be displayed in the output area below. For encoding, you'll see the Base64-encoded text. For decoding, you'll see the decoded plain text.

  • Copy or Download

    You can easily copy the result to your clipboard using the 'Copy' button or download it as a file using the 'Download' button, which is available when you decode Base64.

  • Clear Input/Output

    To start a new conversion, use the 'Clear' button to clear the input and output areas.
